오프라인 상태에서 패키지를 설치하기?

이직한 곳에서는 보안 상의 이유로 VDI(Virtual Desktop Infra) 라는 것을 사용하는데, 나는 처음 접해보는 것이다보니 아직 익숙하지 않다. 모든 사내 데이터는 원칙적으로 VDI 내부에서만 존재하고, 허


이직한 곳에서는 보안 상의 이유로 VDI(Virtual Desktop Infra) 라는 것을 사용하는데, 나는 처음 접해보는 것이다보니 아직 익숙하지 않다. 모든 사내 데이터는 원칙적으로 VDI 내부에서만 존재하고, 허가를 받아야 데이터의 반출이 가능하다. 사내 메신저나 메일도 VDI 안에서만 확인이 가능하다… 게다가 인터넷은 회사 홈페이지를 제외하고는 연결이 되지 않는다!

이렇게 폐쇄적인 환경이다보니, 개발이나 분석 툴로써 파이썬을 사용할 때에도 어려움이 따른다. 패키지들을 설치하려면 보통은 pip 이나 conda 를 사용하는데 인터넷 연결이 되지 않으니 패키지를 다운받는 게 정말 번거로운 일이 된다. 설상가상으로 나는 지금 회사에서 파이썬 교육 업무를 맡고 있어서, 아무것도 모르는 사람들이 VDI 에 패키지를 설치할 수 있도록 만들어주어야 한다. 따라서 최대한 간소한 방법을 서술하도록 하겠다.

우선 VDI 를 접속하는 로컬 컴퓨터는 몇몇 사이트를 제외하고 인터넷 연결이 되기 때문에 우선 로컬에서 원하는 패키지를 인스톨한다. 단, 우리 회사 인터넷망에서는 그냥 pip install foo 하면, 뭔 ssl certificate 이 어쩌구 하면서 에러가 난다. 그러므로 다음과 같이 argument를 더해주도록 한다.

pip --trusted-host --trusted-host install foo

이렇게 다운받고 나서, 폴더를 하나 만들어서 shell 을 켜고 그곳으로 이동한다. 그리고 다음과 같이 다운로드 해준다.

pip --trusted-host --trusted-host download foo

폴더에 foo 파일과 그의 dependency들도 같이 다운로드되어있을 것이다. 이것을 파일 전송 시스템으로 VDI 로 옮겨준다. VDI 에는 python만 깔려있다고 가정한다. 이제 파일 전송 시스템에서 받아온 파일들을 특정 경로에 저장해주고 shell 을 켠다.

python -m pip install --no-index -f . foo

오류가 난다면, whl 파일을 다운받았던 파이썬 버전과 패키지 인스톨하고자 하는 파이썬 버전이 다르지 않은지 확인해보자.

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Information Disclosure via Misconfigured AWS to AWS Bucket Takeover

Hey! Welcome to a new write up on my recent finding of a Misconfigured AWS bucket and how i was able to Take full control of the AWS…


Information Disclosure via Misconfigured AWS to AWS Bucket Takeover

Hey! Welcome to a new write up on my recent finding of a Misconfigured AWS bucket and how i was able to Take full control of the AWS bucket.

I was checking out the website mainly for the IDOR Vulnerabilities as those are considered as High priority bugs and are paid in high range. I was trying to check every possible end-points to find any parameter to manipulate the numerical value so i fired up my burp suite and sent the request to spider tab to check out all the endpoints but i failed because they have encrypted every numerical value using salted algorithm.

As it was not possible to find any IDOR , i found an interesting endpoint where i was able to set my organization logo and there was a direct link to the logo which was residing at an AWS bucket. You can check below:

So i checked this logo by directly coping it and opening it in the new tab:

Basically i never though that i will find anything like this so i never thought of doing anything in any programs or private programs i have worked on but that day i thought that let’s go to origin directory of the file[in hacker’s language ../ ;)]. so i checked it by going to the origin directory as you can see:

Bingo! this was a proper Information disclosure due to Misconfigured ACL of the AWS bucket. I was happy and thought of reporting this directly but as a Hacker you are always overwhelmed and curious to find all the juicy information that might be possible to exploit. So without wasting any time , I went ahead to check out all the files getting listed in the Directory but before that i tried to access one of the file to check if the files are real or not.

Than i opened the file to see what is the content:

Now i am confident enough that all the files available here are legitimate[Use of sophisticated word to look geeky 🤓] and we can see all the internal files of the xyz company here with small tutorials , screenshot and this was an internal S3 bucket used for training and demonstration purposes, such as sharing screenshots of their products……I guess so now you can see why it’s Critical.

At that moment , I felt like it’s enough to report now but i took a chance and thought if there is something else the bucket is offering to compromise itself…Damn Is it possible? Let’s see what happens…. I started checking files with extensions, especially with .zip or .htm or .eml or .doc or .csv and while searching through the entire bucket[which consisted of more than 700+ files] and found the first zip file:

So i downloaded it and checked the contents:

After checking on the files of that zip , i figured out that it’s not going to offer me anything to compromise the AWS bucket. So i started searching for other zip files and found an interesting zip file in the AWS bucket:

Now i downloaded the file and opened to check the contents:

I checked all the files but the important file was the “document.wflow” , It has everything i required to TAKEOVER the AWS Bucket. Let’s check the content:

I was so happy to see this credentials but now the funny thing is that i don’t know what to do with that because Zero knowledge in AWS. So the best way i found was i asked one of my office colleague who is a Dev and works on AWS. He told me that , Go to google and download S3 Browser to start browsing the AWS bucket if you have the “access_key” and “secret_key” which was a very new learning experience in the field of my Web Application Penetration Testing. I was like:


So i downloaded it and started providing all the required credentials:


The next thing i checked on the Access Control List permission on each directory and found a directory with full access:

With the full access to this directory now I am the Owner of this and i can upload any file i want , I can delete it and i can Delete the whole directory. I had all the access in the world but As you all know we are all ethical in what we do so to make a Proof Of Concept i uploaded a file:

Now to re-verify it I checked it in the public facing bucket with my uploaded file name.


Final check I pasted the filename in the URL and checked:

Damn! AWS Bucket Takeover!

Following my initial report and its review, they had promptly and fairly compensated me for letting them know about this bug. I am really thankful for that :)

'경로 및 정보' 카테고리의 다른 글

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